2019-04-02 Meet us at: Snoqualmie Valley YMCA Blood Drive

Event Details

Bloodmobile located in the YMCA Parking Lot
35018 SE Ridge St, Snoqualmie, WA

Tuesday, April 2nd | 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Registration Closed: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Save time, make an appointment!
Use one of the following methods:
– Click this link
– Download the Bloodworks App (iOS,Android)
– Call 800-398-7888
– Text bloodapp to 91985

Type-O donors are especially needed!

About this event

Rotarians the world over have a 114-year history of serving their communities, creating lasting change for the better, and working hard to promote humanitarian causes. It’s only natural, then, that in the spirit of the People of Action initiative, Rotary District 5030 is hosting a series of blood drives with local nonprofit Bloodworks Northwest this Spring to help provide lifesaving blood to people in need in our community.

With your help, we can come together to be there for cancer patients, accident victims, and other people who need donated blood to survive. It’s the easiest way there is to save three lives in the time span of your lunch hour and the perfect way to live up the Rotary Club’s universal motto:

Service Above Self

If you can’t make this blood drive, you can find information about other Rotary blood drives in the area here.

Thank you for helping to keep
our blood supply strong!

Rotary Club of Snoqualmie Valley
Bloodworks Northwest