2018-10-25 Rotary Club – Kathy Riper

2018-10-25 Rotary Club – Kathy Riper

Kathy Riper discussing some great work being done with young people in Guatemala through education. See works through a local organization called Nicolás Fund for Education.

Guatemala’s western highland mountains were heavily impacted by a 36 year civil war that targeted the Ixil people for genocide and plunged this area deeper into poverty and despair.

Our vision is of a flourishing Ixil region through Christ-centered education.

Our mission is to equip the future generation of leaders through Christ-centered education to transform their families, villages and the Ixil region.

They have a need for volunteers in the following areas:

Communications and Social Media

Construction Support

Education Advisors

Village Advocates

To donate – click here – nicolasfund.org/donate